A self-paced study to help you become a woman that dreams with confidence, and leads her life with conviction & clarity. 


-Heart-Led- [adj.]

unapologetic devotion to your soul's desires; the act of authentically and confidently pursuing your big dreams.

You deeply know you've always meant to live a different life, and you are ready to follow your heart's calling🫀

There's a reason we're in the Age of the Aquarius, as this is the age of light workers and generational cycle breakers. You are the one your ancestors have been waiting forYou are here to create a wave of change in this world.  And my love, it all starts with you. Right here, right now. 


Let's set this intention together: 

"This time, I'm doing it for me".


So, whatever big dream you've been holding dear to your heart, whatever you've always desired to do, or whoever you've wanted to be - let's start making that dream vision an orgasmically real reality. 


The start of creating anything extraordinary for yourself is going to require you to take the road less traveled to manifesting success: 

🫀deeply connected to your desire (with unwavering self-trust & radiant confidence)

🫶🏼 without sacrificing yourself to get what you want OR compromising on your values

It's literally one of the most flow states you can be in when manifesting. 

And it all begins here: 🫀
Welcome, to HeartLed. 

Manifesting a life and career without compromise, 

require unshakable self-trust
& loyalty - something which most of us struggle with. 

This book has been born from my desire to help take as many women as possible from living unfulfilled, to creating jaw-dropping, heart-stopping fxck yes lives using their hearts. HEARTLED is an in-depth guide committed to helping you return home to an intuitive way of living, which is an act personal revolution in modern day society.

HEARTLED will help you become more confident in trusting your intuition, leading your decisions from your heart, & how to make your most audacious journal entry an exquisite reality.

HEARTLED will empower you to 

  • Trust your intuition more so you can take the big leap towards manifesting bigger dreams.
  • Silence all the noise that isn't serving you & learn how to listen to your own gut instinct 
  • Find your unique balance in masculine and feminine energy when using your intuition
  • Release narratives of the past that are keeping you from feeling connected to your intuition 

Transformative in-chapter insights, exercises & tools will help you apply & integrate the principles you'll learn🫀

Grab your copy of HEARTLED below and receive the self-paced course with 6 Activation Codes delivered straight to your inbox!


Ready to drop from your 🧠 back into your 🫀, and create some insane magic in your life?



one time payment

  • HeartLed Original Ebook
  • 2-hour workshop replay to release fear & connect back to your intuition 
  • Self-paced course to help you apply the 6 codes of HeartLed living

🎉 BONUS BUNDLE including hypnosis | meditation work + the HeartLed goal-setting process.

🎉 Enter to WIN a 1:1 intensive with Kylie worth $222!



One HeartLed member will be chosen every month and receive a free 1:1 Intuitive Mentoring & Energy Healing Session with Kylie. 

Hi lovely soul, my name's Kylie Nel 🔮🦄


Rebellious old soul of the internet, energy-informed trauma healer and mentor. HeartLed is one of my most sacred creations, as it is truly a testament to the life my soul has chosen to walk in this lifetime: Lead with the heart, follow with the soul. 


Whether you've been guided to HeartLed during a spiritual awakening or healing journey, or you're feeling that calling to start prioritizing your soul and freedom in this lifetime, this is the perfect place for you to start.